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Reflecting on our approach to sustainability with 澳博官方网站app’s 杰基里昂 and GreenBiz’s Katie Ryan

杰基里昂, 澳博官方网站app可持续发展执行董事Katie Ryan, GreenBiz的可持续发展总监, 讨论银行的可持续发展方法, 它的战略是帮助资助和促进低碳经济, 以及杰姬对未来的一些希望.


Ryan: Can you share more about your background and what led you to your role at 澳博官方网站app?

里昂: 我想说,我是在澳博官方网站app(澳博官方网站app)长大的. 我的整个职业生涯都在这里. I started in traditional commercial banking, largely supporting clients in the nonprofit space. Many of my clients were in higher education and many were focused on conservation as well. I also had a personal interest in climate change and wanted to transition into that space, so my early days as a banker gave me exposure and experience that enabled me to get deeper into the world of sustainability.

在我目前的职位上, I focus on advising and executing on our overarching sustainability strategy for the firm from a corporate perspective. That means that I spend most of my time working with our internal leadership, 为我们的战略发展方向提供建议,在很多情况下, 执行整个公司的整体可持续发展计划.

Ryan: That's a perfect lead up because I think many people know 澳博官方网站app as the oldest financial institution in the U.S., but some might not know very much about the bank’s sustainability strategy. 你能多说一点吗?

里昂: I think the bulk of it is really around doing what we do the best as a financial institution. It’s about how we are providing capital and expertise to our clients to help them meet their long-term business objectives and advance the transition to lower carbon economies around the world. 从可持续发展的角度来看, many of our clients have initiatives around their own transition to a low carbon economy and how they’re thinking about that for their business. We are working with them to help them achieve their goals of reducing emissions and scaling investments in clean technologies, 同时保持能源的可负担性和安全性.

We largely do that through the three key pillars of our overall sustainability strategy: scaling green solutions, 平衡的环境, 社会及经济需要, 并尽量减少我们的运营影响. Here’s what we mean by these three prongs: when it comes to thinking about having commercially viable solutions to the low carbon transition, we need to see massive growth and investment in things like clean technology—and t在这里 is a ton of capital that is going to be needed to support those projects and those goals overall.

我们正在尽自己的一份力量,帮助实现这一总体绿色目标. 对我们来说, that largely comes through in our target to finance and facilitate at least $1 trillion towards green solutions by the end of 2030. 到目前为止,我们离这个目标只有19%的路程, 我们正在考虑如何继续支持我们的客户.

其次, 我们知道,实现碳转型并不容易, 这确实需要经济上的平衡, social and climate related needs in order to achieve this in a way that makes sense and works for all.

对我们来说, that means using our capital and expertise in a responsible way that helps us think through the big picture of what needs to happen. 例如, we've set our own net zero aligned targets within our financing portfolio, 为我们在碳密集型行业运营的客户提供服务.

最后一块拼图聚焦于我们自己的世界. We have a number of initiatives around our own operational sustainability goals in an effort to continue to minimize our own emissions.

Ryan: Why is 澳博官方网站app helping to facilitate this transition to a low carbon economy?

里昂:  总体而言,低碳转型蕴含着巨大的机遇, 我们的客户和我们一样看到了这个机会. We're seeing many of our clients focus on their own transition opportunities such as their investment in low carbon technologies. And so, for us, we want to position our business to be a strategic partner to our clients.

要做到这一点,我们首先必须经营一家经营良好的银行. 我们必须思考, what is the role that 澳博官方网站app as a financial institution plays in the global economy—and do that in a way that helps support what is needed today—and in the future from a real economy perspective.

瑞恩:说到未来, you mentioned earlier that this change is not going to be easy; I agree. 我很好奇,是什么让你对未来充满希望?

里昂: I am excited by how much attention these conversations are getting in a variety of stakeholder circles that we operate in today. 我认为我们正处于一个转折点.

企业和私营部门可以发挥非常重要的作用. 公共部门的参与也非常重要.

It's really encouraging to see that t在这里 has been a lot of movement in terms of government policy, 尤其是在美国, 通货膨胀减少法案和其他法案, and also in global markets around the world as well that are really setting up how to incentivize various parts of the transition in order to push it forward.

I'm also excited about the opportunity to continue to work with our clients on these issues and to really dig in -- t在这里’s much more of that to come.

了解更多澳博官方网站app的可持续发展方法 在这里.

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